Q Learning 一維走法

為什麼叫 Q-Learning

Q 這個字母在強化學習中表示一個動作的期望獎勵。那為什麼叫 Q learning,而不是 R learning、V learning 呢! 應該是一個叫 “阿Q哥” 的人發明的演算法,隨便給個名字而以。反正網路上也查不到發明者,而世上那麼多演算法,有如過街老鼠般的多,就隨便給個名字。


先背一下Q-Learning 的公式

請注意,上面的公式並不是數學公式,而是程式的語法。”=” 左邊是下一次迴圈 Q(s,a) 的值,”=” 右邊是上一次迴圈所計算出來的 Q(s,a) 值。

轉換成Python 的語言如下

if s_next != 'terminal':
    target = reward + gamma * table.iloc[s_next, :].max()
    target = 1 #也可以使用 target = reward(因為終點為 1)
    runFlag = False#終止此 epoch
table.loc[s, a] = table.loc[s,a] + lr * (target - table.loc[s,a])


要用例子來說明 Q-Learning 其實有困難,因為都不太容易懂,在此用佛教的輪迴來說明。首先請大家先記一下,佛教闡述這大千世界有 “慾界”,”色界”,”無色界” 這三界。我們目前處於慾界,至於色界及無色界是什麼現像,請看官們自行上網查詢。

慾界有六道輪迴,分別為 “地獄(s0)”、”餓鬼(s1)”、”畜牲(s2)”、”人道(s3)”、”阿修羅(s4)”、”天道(s5)”。天道就是玄天上帝等神明的境界。神明也是要進行修行的啦,才能進入色界及無色界。

我們先簡化六道輪迴,轉世為 “天道” 是最終目的,位於最右邊,能獲得回報值 “1” (修成正果)。其它的轉世,不論是人變畜牲,或畜牲變人回報值都是 “0”。雖說這不符合天理,但這只是為了簡化問題而以,請大家耐心接受。

假設有六個生靈,分別處於這六道之中,然後這六個生靈可以選擇 “修行(往右)” 或 “不修行(往左)”。

第 0 世(epoch 0)

一開始,天道(s5) 往左往右都不行,因為往右沒路了,所以為 0 。往左也沒回報,所以也是 0。

但修羅(s4) 卻不一樣,往右(修行) 可以得到回報 1,然後經過上面公式東扣西減(Q公式),得到 0.1的值。但如果往左(不修行),得到 0 的值。

那麼s0~s3呢! 反正就是爛命一條,有修沒修都是 0。

第 1 世(epoch 1)

第 1 世時,依公式計算

Q(s3, right)=
= Q(s3, right) + $(lr[r+\gamma*maxQ(s4,a)-Q(s3,right)])$
=0 + 0.1 * (0 + 0.9 * 0.1 – 0)

= Q(s4, right) + $(lr[r+\gamma*maxQ(s5,a)-Q(s4,right)])$
= 0.1 + 0.1 * (1+ 0.9 * 0 – 0.1)
= 0.1 + 0.1 * 0.9
= 1.9

經過幾世的探測後,因為使用 $(\gamma*maxQ(s’,a’))$,本次狀態會依下次狀態的最大值走,所以 steps 就會愈來愈少,愈快達到 s5(天道) 的狀態。



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time

status = 6#一維長度
actions = ['left', 'right']# available actions
epsilon = 0.9   # greedy police
lr = 0.1     # learning rate
gamma = 0.9    # discount factor
epochs = 20   # maximum episodes
delay = 0.1    # fresh time for one move

def build_table(status, actions):
    table = pd.DataFrame(
        np.zeros((status, len(actions))),
    #print(table.round({"left":10, "right":10}))
    return table

def choose_action(status, table):
    state_actions = table.iloc[status, :]
    if (np.random.uniform() > epsilon) or ((state_actions == 0).all()):#亂數選擇動作
        action_name = np.random.choice(actions)
        action_name = state_actions.idxmax()# replace argmax to idxmax as argmax means a different function in newer version of pandas
    return action_name

def get_reward(s, action):
    # 取得獎勵值
    if action == 'right': #往右移
        if s == status - 2: #終點
            s_next = 'terminal'
            reward = 1
            s_next = s + 1
            reward = 0
    else: #往左移
        reward = 0
        if s == 0:
            s_next = s #已達最左邊
            s_next = s - 1
    return s_next, reward
def show(s, episode, step_counter):
    env_list = ['-']*(status-1) + ['T']   # '---------T' our environment
    if s == 'terminal':
        print(f'\nEpisode {episode+1}: total steps = {step_counter}')
        print('\r', end='')
        env_list[s] = 'o'
        interaction = ''.join(env_list)
        print(f'\r{interaction}', end='')
def rl():
    table = build_table(status, actions)
    for e in range(epochs):
        step_counter = 0
        s = 0
        runFlag = True
        show(s, e, step_counter)
        while runFlag:
            a = choose_action(s, table)
            s_next, reward = get_reward(s, a)  # take action & get next state and reward
            if s_next != 'terminal':
                target = reward + gamma * table.iloc[s_next, :].max()
                target = 1 #也可以使用 target = reward(因為終點為 1)
                runFlag = False#終止此 epoch

            table.loc[s, a] = table.loc[s,a]+lr * (target - table.loc[s,a])  # update
            s = s_next#移到下一個狀態

            show(s, e, step_counter+1)
            step_counter += 1
        print(table.applymap(lambda x: '%.10f' % x))
    return table
if __name__ == "__main__":
    table = rl()
    print('最後的 table:')
    print(table.applymap(lambda x: '%.10f' % x))


   left  right
0   0.0    0.0
1   0.0    0.0
2   0.0    0.0
3   0.0    0.0
4   0.0    0.0
5   0.0    0.0
Episode 1: total_steps = 6
   left  right
0   0.0    0.0
1   0.0    0.0
2   0.0    0.0
3   0.0    0.0
4   0.0    0.1
5   0.0    0.0
Episode 2: total_steps = 11
   left  right
0   0.0  0.000
1   0.0  0.000
2   0.0  0.000
3   0.0  0.009
4   0.0  0.190
5   0.0  0.000
Episode 3: total_steps = 6
   left    right
0   0.0  0.00000
1   0.0  0.00000
2   0.0  0.00081
3   0.0  0.02520
4   0.0  0.27100
5   0.0  0.00000
Episode 4: total_steps = 10
   left     right
0   0.0  0.000000
1   0.0  0.000073
2   0.0  0.002997
3   0.0  0.047070
4   0.0  0.343900
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 5: total_steps = 5
   left     right
0   0.0  0.000007
1   0.0  0.000335
2   0.0  0.006934
3   0.0  0.073314
4   0.0  0.409510
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 6: total_steps = 5
   left     right
0   0.0  0.000036
1   0.0  0.000926
2   0.0  0.012839
3   0.0  0.102839
4   0.0  0.468559
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 7: total_steps = 5
   left     right
0   0.0  0.000116
1   0.0  0.001989
2   0.0  0.020810
3   0.0  0.134725
4   0.0  0.521703
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 8: total_steps = 5
   left     right
0   0.0  0.000283
1   0.0  0.003663
2   0.0  0.030854
3   0.0  0.168206
4   0.0  0.569533
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 9: total_steps = 5
   left     right
0   0.0  0.000585
1   0.0  0.006073
2   0.0  0.042907
3   0.0  0.202643
4   0.0  0.612580
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 10: total_steps = 5
   left     right
0   0.0  0.001073
1   0.0  0.009328
2   0.0  0.056855
3   0.0  0.237511
4   0.0  0.651322
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 11: total_steps = 5
   left     right
0   0.0  0.001805
1   0.0  0.013512
2   0.0  0.072545
3   0.0  0.272379
4   0.0  0.686189
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 12: total_steps = 5
   left     right
0   0.0  0.002840
1   0.0  0.018690
2   0.0  0.089805
3   0.0  0.306898
4   0.0  0.717570
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 13: total_steps = 5
   left     right
0   0.0  0.004239
1   0.0  0.024903
2   0.0  0.108445
3   0.0  0.340790
4   0.0  0.745813
5   0.0  0.000000
Episode 14: total_steps = 8
       left     right
0  0.000381  0.007692
1  0.000545  0.032173
2  0.000000  0.128272
3  0.000000  0.373834
4  0.000000  0.771232
5  0.000000  0.000000
Episode 15: total_steps = 5
       left     right
0  0.000381  0.009818
1  0.000545  0.040500
2  0.000000  0.149089
3  0.000000  0.405861
4  0.000000  0.794109
5  0.000000  0.000000
Episode 16: total_steps = 5
       left     right
0  0.000381  0.012481
1  0.000545  0.049868
2  0.000000  0.170708
3  0.000000  0.436745
4  0.000000  0.814698
5  0.000000  0.000000
Episode 17: total_steps = 5
       left     right
0  0.000381  0.015721
1  0.000545  0.060245
2  0.000000  0.192944
3  0.000000  0.466393
4  0.000000  0.833228
5  0.000000  0.000000
Episode 18: total_steps = 5
       left     right
0  0.000381  0.019571
1  0.000545  0.071585
2  0.000000  0.215625
3  0.000000  0.494744
4  0.000000  0.849905
5  0.000000  0.000000
Episode 19: total_steps = 5
       left     right
0  0.000381  0.024057
1  0.000545  0.083833
2  0.000000  0.238590
3  0.000000  0.521762
4  0.000000  0.864915
5  0.000000  0.000000
Episode 20: total_steps = 7
       left     right
0  0.000381  0.029196
1  0.000545  0.096923
2  0.000000  0.282479
3  0.023552  0.547428
4  0.000000  0.878423
5  0.000000  0.000000


       left     right
0  0.000381  0.029196
1  0.000545  0.096923
2  0.000000  0.282479
3  0.023552  0.547428
4  0.000000  0.878423
5  0.000000  0.000000



將上述的 Dataframe儲存




Q-Learning  就是學習(記錄)前人的經驗,然後判斷最佳的解決方式




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